Preserving Summer

It is hard to believe that fall is almost upon us! Here in Michigan, it is still quite hot and flowers are still in bloom. I decided to grab some from the garden and preserve them for a card! I did not want to wait for them to dry for several weeks so instead, I got out my Microfleur.

Available at the Arnold Grummer's website - the Microfleur allows you to press and dry flowers with your Microwave! This is fun, quick and easy!

Microfleur MINI (5x5) Gift Set

The Microfleur includes felt and cotton pads which you place your flower on. Secure the sides and microwave for 30 to a minute. Time varies depending on the size and thickness of the flower. 

This Black Eyed Susan took less than a minute

I also made paper using my Pour Handmold

 Medium Pour Handmold Contents
My husband just had a birthday and I was able to snag, save, all of the envelopes from the cards. These make amazing colorful papers! I love this blue! I cut the mason jar out of vellum which allowed the stems to show through.

I cut a piece of this paper and embossed it before assembling my card!

 I am so happy with the way this turned out. I am sure my friend will like it to!

Don't forget to visit the store where you can get the Microfleur and the Pour Handmold. We would love for you to share your projects with us on Facebook.


  1. Jean, your card is beautiful. I have not done much with drying flowers yet but yours look so good.

  2. Oh I would love a bouquet of these wonderful flowers!
    Love and light,


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