Traveling Memories Mini Scrapbook

Today I have a mini Traveling Memories Scrapbook to show you.
Here is a photo of the supplies I used to make it...When making handmade paper, think junk mail. I used the Arnold Grummer Papermaking Kit to make my papers. I love it and love the way no two papers turn out the same.


You will need a cereal box or cardboard of some sort. I cut mine to 8" long by 3" wide. I then scored each side at the 3" mark which made a center piece of 1" for the spine. I then reinforced the spine with another piece of cardboard cut just a smidge smaller than 1" and used my Helmar Tacky Craft Glue to glue it in the center.

 I then cut two more pieces 3" by 3 1/2" and glued those to each side to reinforce them. You need a strong glue to glue these in place, that is why I chose Helmars.

Then tear pretty papers into strips, this is where you can use some of your gelli prints or waste paint paper and even magazines. Glue the strips onto the cardboard making sure to mix the papers up so two of the same are not next to each other. Let them dry on their own or use a heat gun to speed up the process. Then turn the book over and glue down the overhanging pieces. I then let this dry overnight.

 I then glued a piece of dictionary page down on the inside, let that set up and while the cover was still tacky, brushed on some Stampin' Glitter by Stampin' Up.....who doesn't like glitter!

Next step is to take your handmade paper and cut it to the size you need to fit your small "scrapbook". I tore mine 6 1/2 by 2 3/4. Fold them in half and make signatures.

 I made five signatures for my book. I then used hair bands to put my signatures in my book but you can use whatever method you like to bind your books. I did it this way so I can easily change them out or add new ones when I want. Notice the top book on the right, I threw in some crumbled roses, can you say yummy?! The one below it has dandelions thrown into the blender with the pulp, Love It!!

Then just use your traveling scrapbook to keep your little souveniers in when you travel, maybe it is only a day trip, keep your ticket stubs, a flower you may want to press, a lucky penny you find, just anything you would like to put into your small book. I did add some extra paper in case you want to jot down notes or something. You could also add dangles to the side and make it real cute.
 I added a title to my book using small letter stamps on a piece of scrap paper and adhering it with Helmar D'ecoupage and craft paste.


  1. THis is such a wonderful album! PErfect for any trip!

  2. Great book! I love the idea of the hairbands to hold the signatures - I'll definitely have to try that!

  3. Very cool idea - love recycling materials

  4. Great re-cycling project and I love the flowers you added to the pulp!

  5. Great project the pages and the use of the cereal box! This would make a GREAT "Quote"
    Love and light,


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