I Do

How exciting! Your daughter or son has gotten engaged! Everyone is so excited but now comes the work! Planning and getting ready for a wedding can cause stress, arguments and feelings of despair!

So before it gets to that point, I am here to help! There is so much that you and your family can do to personalize the reception! I am starting with the name cards of each attendee and the table number cards. You can make these quickly, easily and economically!!

Start with making paper! I grabbed a handful of recycled white envelopes and threw in a dusting of glitter once the pulp was in the mold!

Once my paper was dry, I printed the names. I cut a fancy shaped square using my Sixxiz Vintaj and a die.  Depending on the size you can get close to a dozen from one sheet of paper. The edges can be inked to match the bridal party colors.

I used a cork as the base of the name cards. Simply cut a slit in the top and if it wants to roll, slice a little off the bottom.

The table number holders are a pyramid of corks hot glued together. I found these metal heart picks which work perfectly for holding each number. (Your local Italian restaurant might be able to help you out with a supply of corks! Ours did!)

This type of table decor could be used for a shower, a birthday party or even for the holiday season!!

Start saving those envelopes and corks and make your own fabulous reception decor!!

Don't forget to shop for these supplies at Arnold Grummer:

Medium Pour Handmold Contents

And stop by our Facebook  page for more projects and inspiration. Have you made paper? Be sure to share your projects with us there too!

Thank you for visiting today!


  1. Loe the place settings made with handmade paper, the glitter is a great addition.

  2. Great idea with the corks! And inking the paper edge really makes it stand out!

  3. Such a cool idea Jean! I love the corks as the bases.

  4. Great idea.......love the corks too.....following Arnold's "Rs".
    Love and light,


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