Seed paper Card

Last year in early Spring I set outside on my balcony to make some seed paper using the Arnold Grummer Seed Paper kit. It was a beautiful day for thinking of flowers blooming and what better gift to send someone than a plantable flower card?

When you open the kit up you get everything you need to make some seed paper except for the seeds.
  • Seeds not included. Choose hardy annual seeds like zinnia, marigold, cosmos, cornflower, calendula. Flat seeds (rather than round or thick) are easiest to use.

When preparing the seed paper it's best to keep the seed packets so you can remember what seeds you added. Otherwise, it will be a surprise and well, that can be fun too!

I wanted to experiment and see if they would grow since there is a continuing debate on whether or not seeds once contacted with water will begin their germination thusly dying after they dry out. So these seeds were made into seed paper a year ago, sat in a plastic bag in no special conditions and then brought out this Spring and planted. I basically just laid them on the soil and lightly covered them and then watered them, keeping them moist and in the sun.
 ( You are suppose to tear them apart and then plant them, but I didn't read the directions...
eye-roll at myself! )

And yes, they do grow! I have Zinnia seeds sprouting up on the left and Johnny Jump Ups on the right. It's not warm enough for the Impatiens to come up yet but I am sure they will soon.
Seed paper has simple needs to germinate: a little dirt, warm sunshine and water.

So now I am sending some seed paper to my friend Jamie who just moved into a new place. I think it will be fun to have some flowers to plant on her porch to welcome her to her new home every day. I used everything provided in the kit to make my card except for the thread. I sewed the seed paper to the yellow flower and then glued the yellow flower to the green paper. I figured it would be easier to tear apart that way instead of gluing the seed paper, which might hinder the germination somewhat.

Here's the front and back to the seed paper, The little grid in the flower mold gives you such great texture that I used that side face up but I wanted you to see the back side where the seeds are visible.

Arnold Grummer has a variety of seed paper kits for you to purchase, but the one thing they all have in common is FUN!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. SUch cute cards and I love the kit!

  2. Great seed paper Sandee! And to actually see plants growing - how cool is that!?!

  3. i love this.. yours came out so much better then mine.. lolol This is awesome!!

  4. That's so awesome. Many years ago, I received a packet of seeds in a card and I thought it was the best gift ever, so of course I'm loving this paper.

  5. That's so awesome. Many years ago, I received a packet of seeds in a card and I thought it was the best gift ever, so of course I'm loving this paper.

  6. I LOVE this and I really like your little piece of heaven you have on your deck. I am really going to have to check into getting that kit.

  7. LOVE THIS! Must make some soon!
    Love and light,


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