A Lovely Little Note Pad

Hi, Ann here today with a sweet and practical project for you.  I just can't get enough of those sticky notes and note pads.  I use them all the time to make notes and to mark pages, to use as reminders around my house and in my car, to leave instructions for my kids and so many other ways.  So, when I got to work with the Arnold Grummer line of paper making products I was really excited to see that they sell this kit that allows you to simply make a hard cover note pad for a pad of sticky notes.  I also wanted to play with a mold and some pulp.  Here is what I made:

The supplies I used:

Arnold Grummer's Paper Making Kit available here
Arnold Grummer's Heart and Flower  Mold #705 
Arnold Grummer's Books a la carte! #1603
Scraps of red, white, and pink scrapbook papers.
Double sided 3M adhesive tape
Aleene's Tacky Glue by Duncan Enterprise
Ribbon recycled from a gift
Pastel coloruing pencils by Generals

**use coupon code: Jan20

1.  First thing is I collected some scraps of left over scrapbook papers.  I tore some into small pieces and made a pulp, the Arnold Grummer way.  I poured and pressed the pulp into the mold and let it dry.  Easy as pie.

2.  Once dry, I removed and coloured the heart with pastels in the form of pencils, just because I had them.  I trimmed the edges to make it a neat square.

3.  I followed the instructions that come with the "A la carte" kit and adhered other scraps of paper to the chipboard in the kit and assembled the note pad.  Note that the kit comes with one sticky note pad.

4.  I glued the heart embellishment to the front cover.  I glued two pieces of scrap ribbon to the inside front and back cover of the book.  And that was that.

I plan on making a bunch more of these and have a blast decorating them with all sorts of handmade paper embellishments and in different colours.  I hope that you enjoyed this and are inspired to turn your own scraps of paper into cute projects.

For more of my crafty ideas come on by my blog, Annmakes, here.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Ann, what a nice combo of papers and embellishments! This is such a fun project, and a great one to pull out for a short class or mixed ages project. I teach this project at a parent-child class at a local botanical center - just the bookmaking with imported botanical papers. Everyone is successful and so happy with the little books they take home. Thank you for the great post!!


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