Cookie Exchange Accordion Book

The Arnold Grummer 6-Panel Accordion Fold Book is my new favorite paper crafting/book making product! It was easy to make, very sturdy, and it turned out great. I think using an accordion book to house the recipes for a cookie exchange is a perfect match, and it also makes a great gift for family, friends, teachers - just about anyone who likes cookies! 

Here's what you'll need to make your own Cookie Exchange Accordion Book:

  • Two 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheets of card stock
  • Six cookie recipes (I used index card sized recipes from Taste of Home Holiday Best Loved Cookies & Bars Book)
  • 24 inch piece of ribbon
  • Decorative pictures, items for cover
  • Scissor
  • Glue stick
You're going to cut two 5 1/4 by 6 1/2 inch cover pages from the card stock.
Apply glue over the entire surface of one of the cover boards contained in the Arnold Grummer 6-Panel Accordion Fold Book Kit, then center it glue side down on one of the covers you cut from the card stock.

Notch the corners of the cover with a scissor as shown in the picture below.
Apply glue to the long flaps of your cover, crease and fold them over onto the cover board. Now glue, crease, and fold the short flaps. Rub your finger over the flaps a few times to press out any air. Repeat the entire process with the second cover and cover board. When you are finished you can place the glued cover boards between wax paper and under a heavy book for a few hours to dry. I was too excited to wait that long and it turned out fine : )
Now take the white 6-panel accordion paper and mark an "X" on the first and last panels on the same side of the accordion fold. These two panels will not be decorated in any way - they will be glued to the covers, so the "X" avoids any opportunity for confusion.
On the side of the accordion fold without the "X's", apply glue to the back of the first recipe you would like to use and center the recipe glue side down on the first blank panel. Repeat with the other five recipes. 
This is a good time to glue your decorative photos on the front cover, or you can wait till the end, it's up to you. 
On the blank side of the accordion fold where you put the X's, glue the front panel marked with an "X" to the unfinished side of the front cover. 

Now center and glue a 24 inch piece of ribbon across the unfinished side of the back cover before attaching to the accordion fold.

Glue the back panel marked with an "X" from the blank side of your accordion fold to the unfinished side of the back cover, making sure the ribbon is flat and straight first. 

Great work! You just finished a Cookie Exchange Accordion Book! 

Congratulations to Diane Martin, the winner of last week's Angel Heart Beaded Bookmark Giveaway! Please email me your address and I'll be sure to ship it right out!

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I want to offer many thanks to all my readers in 38 different countries - the United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Malaysia, Italy, the Bahamas, the Philippines, Sweden, Egypt, Columbia, the Netherlands, Spain, the Sudan, Turkey, Mexico, Moldova, Denmark, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, the Czech Republic, the Ukraine, South Africa, India, Taiwan, Panama, Serbia, Latvia, Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Bosnia and Herzegovina, New Zealand, and Japan!

It is both humbling, and exciting to know people are actually reading what I'm writing, and hopefully trying out a few of the projects.

My goal is to take the whole world on a creative journey, one project at a time! Thanks for coming along.

Many Blessings,

Jana : )


  1. A perfect use for those little accordion books. You're right, cookies with the recipe book would make a great gift.


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