How to add simple charm to your paper making.

I love adding Arnold Grummer's botanicals in the blender. They really hold up well being shredded and don't turn to mush like fresh flowers can do if you aren't careful. You can experiment and run botanicals in the blender for different lengths of time to get varying effects. You can also use botanicals whole like I did with my Botanical Gift Card.

 All my bookmarks were created today using the Medium Template: Tags for cards and pages

1. Put new pulp or paper to be recycled in the blender with water.
 2. Select one or several botanicals to be added to the new sheet ( do not overload the first time) Put half in the blender.
3. Run the blender for 13 seconds
 4. Add the other half of the botanicals in the blender  and run blender for 2 more seconds.
 5. Do the basic hand papermaking steps as Arnold Grummer shows you HERE. 

6. Embellish as little or as much as you want. The botanicals look so charming on their own that you don't need to add anything. This particular one will go in my own private stash of bookmarks since I messed up on the stamping...oops...and oh well...I still like it!
And you can use botanicals from nature using your Microfleur Garden press to use too like I did here on my card that was published in the CardMaker Magazine 2016 Autumn edition. :) My blog post about that can be found HERE.

How do you use botanicals in your paper making?


  1. These are just gorgeous! I have not used my botanicals enough! I want to play with them now!!

  2. Looks fabulous Sandee you did a fabulous job with these. I love the flower picture with the long stems so beautiful.

  3. These bookmarks are so awesome.. i want to make some too!!

  4. Wow, these papers are gorgeous. I would use papers like this as notecards or maybe use the book marks as duo gift tags. I imagine the color choices are endless depending on the recycled paper and botanicals you use. I love the papers where the botanicals actually 'hang' off the edge of the paper.

  5. I LOVE your tags and you are such an inspiration to all of us. Thanks for sharing all your works of art!!

  6. Lovely
    Love and light,


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