
© Michele Emerson-Robert 2016

My friend Donna is a cat lover. She takes in strays and keeps them safe from harm. Currently she has 7 four legged friends who share her home. Donna is also loves to knit, crochet and tat. It is a hoot to watch the battle of wills between her and the cats when she wants to create something with fibers and they want to play! Donna’s birthday is coming up and I just had to create this little tatting/crochet thread holder for her.


·       Any of the Arnold Grummer® paper making kits
·       Blender, strainer, cello sponges and soft towels
·       A sunny window
·       Scraps of tan/brown paper (think junk mail, etc.)
·       Die: Tonic Studios™  #1186E Tangled Mischief die    
·       Tonic Studios™ Tangerine die cutting and embossing machine
·       Tonic Studios™ Craft Tacky glue 
·       Small balls of crochet or tatting thread, crochet hook or tatting needle or shuttle, small pair of scissors.
·       Metal container 5 ½ x 4 x 3” high
·       Iron “reactive” paint, off white acrylic paint, foam brush
·       8 x 3” clear semi ridged plastic, foam to fit bottom of container


1.     Follow the instructions found in any of the Arnold Grummer™ paper making kits to create tan slurry and create a sheet of heavy weight tan handmade paper. 
2.     Allow the paper to dry.
3.     Die cut two of the cat with yarn dies.
4.     While one of the die cut is still in the die, dab on a tiny bit of off white acrylic paint to highlight the cat’s stripes and the thread.
5.     When the paint is dry attach the cats back to back onto the clear plastic sheet.
6.     Follow the instruction on the bottle of “reactive” paint to color the container.
7.     Allow the paint to dry.
8.     Score and fold the plastic to fit inside the container.
9.     Place the foam block into the bottom of the container.
10.  Fill the container with the small balls of thread, hook/needle/shuttle and small pair of scissors.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jean.....there are so many wonderful dies out now.......makes it so easy to match the project to the person.....smile.
      Love and light,

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks a bunch for your kind words. I love creating special things for friends and Arnold's way of making paper makes it so easy.
      Love and light,


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