“A Face in the Crowd”

©Michele Emerson-Roberts 2016

Faces are so wonderful. Each one is different (even though they say that we all have a “doppelganger” out there). Face molds are one more thing I collect. This one is actually a metal jewelry finding. It makes a great mold for paper casting and polymer clay. She is a bit exotic, maybe from Tahiti?

  • Any of the Arnold Grummer™ paper making kits
  • Microwave , heat tool or a sunny window
  • Blender, strainer, cello sponges and soft towels
  • Face mold (I used a metal jewelry piece)
  • Scraps of off white, tan & brown paper (think junk mail, etc.)
  • Spice in a brown color (great way to use up those outdated spices and it smells good too!)
  • Beacon QuickGripTM Adhesive
  • Envelopes to fit cards (or make your own with the AG envelope template)
  • Scor-palTM (Love the new 1/8version)
  • BowEasy™
  • Approx. 24” of brown 7/8” Grow Grain ribbon
  • Craft knife and cutting surface
  • Scissors 

  1. Follow the instructions found in any of the Arnold Grummer™ paper making kits to create a face casting. (I always make extra!)
  2. Dry the casting.
  3. Add more brown scrap to the slurry and create a sheet of heavy weight handmade paper (Create more sheets if you are going to make numerous cards. (one sheet will make 2 cards)
  4. Sprinkle the spice onto the damp paper.
  5. When the paper is dry, fold and tear it to make two pieces 5 ½ x 8 ½”.
  6. Score and fold to create a 4 ¼ x 5 ½” cards.
  7. Use the craft knife to cut a slit wide enough for the ribbon to fit at the left fold of the card.
  8. Insert the ribbon, overlap the ends a tiny bit, cut it and adhere the ribbon to the card.
  9. Use the BowEasy™ to tie a bow.
  10. Attach the bow to the ribbon.
  11. Attach the casting to the front right of the card with the QuickGrip™ adhesive.


  1. This is fun! I don't think I have seen these molds!

  2. Greetings,
    It is actually a jewelry finding......most of which make marvelous molds. So sorry that the photo isn't better.
    Love and light,


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