Save the Wrapping!

Hi, it's Ann here today with a quick tip about making your own very special handmade paper.  SAVE those wrapping papers, cards, envelopes, gift bags, etc. that you may be getting during the Holidays.   For those of us who celebrate at this time of year and give or receive gifts we are often left to deal with extra gift wrap and more.  Recycling all these paper goods is better than throwing them away for sure.  However, it is even better to save some of those luscious pieces of gift wrapping and make your own pretty papers!

That's right, last year I saved most of the gift wrapping and extras that came through our house and I even got to save some from our visits to family!  So, by removing all pieces of sticky tapes, and staples I gathered a lot of materials.  I filled a big storage tub with shiny papers, ribbons, cards and so much more.  I still have a lot left in that bin by the way.  The fun came when I started ripping and shredding my stash to create the pulp to make my new creations which I then posted on this blog throughout the year.

#1.  Gather the stash of materials:

#2.  Sort and remove pieces of tape, staples, and anything that cannot be used in the pulp making process without causing damage to your blender.

#3.  Rip, tear, cut, shred the materials.

#4.  Fill about a cup with your shredded papers, and add to one cup of water into a blender reserved for paper making.  Pulp away.  If the pulp is too soupy add some more paper pieces.

#5.  Continue making the paper following the Arnold Grummer Paper Making method.  Click here for link to video.

#6.  Enjoy your new papers.

#7.  Create something.

I hope that you all have a safe and joyous season,  may you have a Happy New Year too!  Remember to recycle and create.  For other ideas and projects please come visit me at my blog:

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. My favorite are the Christmas papers with metallic accents, so pretty in handmade paper!

  2. Such fun! I was going to do this next week!


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