Zig-Zag Album

This little project is something that could be used as a small photo album for any occasion by just changing the type of handmade paper and paper casted embellishment.  It could also become a small journaling book or mini scrapbook keepsake.

Prepare two small sheets of handmade paper using the pour method and follow the instructions for completing the sheets. Refer to this video LINK for the basics.  The paper created for this project had small bits of various pink shades of shredded papers and some iridescent flakes.

Begin with a "zig-zag" book.  Cut the two chipboard pieces and the folded insert in half. One set of of the chipboard pieces is covered with handmade papers.  The remaining two where covered with pieces of  coordinating fabric. 

To decorate the book covers, choose a coordinating ribbon and place them onto the front and back covers in any pattern desired.  Glue the fabric covered boards to the paper covers.  For the inside sheets, glue the two cut inserts together, then glue the full insert to the front and back fabric covered pieces.  

The final embellishment to add to the covers are paper casted squares.  This project used the heart & flower mold.  After completing the casting and drying process, I used both paints and chalks on the image to color.  

If you are unfamiliar with paper making and casting here are two great books for both topics: Easy Papermaking and Paper Casting.  Another great little book for some fun things to try with paper pulp is "trash to treasure papermaking".  These books can be found on the Arnold Grummer website.  When ordering this month use coupon code - 20Four.

Think about this little project for a simple keepsake gift for a bride-to-be, a new baby, a special friend or special moment that you want to remember.  


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