Thinking of You This Summer

It's hard to believe that summer is almost in full swing now and we are half way through the year.  This time of year is often very busy for all of us and it's when I like to make a special effort to keep in touch with my friends and let them know I'm thinking of them.  This card was created with just that in mind. 
I used one of the Papermill Kits to create the white cardbase and the green sheet of paper.  I added some of the Tissue Tints to get the green color in the white paper pulp.   I had a leftover flower and leaf when I had dried some for a previous project so I decided to use it, too.  The flower was dried using a Microfleur Press.   It's great to be able to dry several flowers and keep them on hand to use for those special projects.  There's nothing more fun than using a sheet of handmade paper and then adding a hand dried flower onto it. 
Enjoy creating some special cards for your friends and family this summer.  Use the coupon code:  SUMMER20 to get 20% off your entire order.  The cold weather will be here before you know it and you will be set with a new hobby to enjoy when you aren't able to be outside, but now is the time to use this special offer so head over to the website and start shopping today! 
Join me on my blog:  Peg's Crafting Corner


  1. Peg, how did you like the Microfleur? It's amazing to pick a flower in the morning and attach it to a card an hour later - unheard of before the Microfleur came along. Thanks for the design and post!


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