Spring Flowers!

In the Pacific Northwest we know Spring has arrived when the rhododendrons are in full bloom. Mine are always bloom by Mother's Day Weekend.
Outdoor gatherings are being planned, what better time to display the bounty of spring.  Use your garden to create beautiful center pieces! 

Rhododendrons and columbines in the garden!

To decorate the bottles I used handmade papers (watch the video on Basic Paper Making HERE). All of my papers are made with papers from my shredder.  The color is added with scrap cardstock. 

To make these decorative bottles, rip strips of handmade paper in a desired width.  Adhere with double sided tape. Wrap twine several times around the bottle and tie a bow.

Use the bottles individually or in a grouping!


Use your handmade papers to create gifts.  Here I recycled an old tin that was filled with tea.  It made a great container to give the gift of tea to a friend of mine.
For the can I cut two pieces of light blue paper the width of the tin (one was not long enough to wrap around the tin).  Adhering the paper with double sided tape, I wrapped the tin overlapping the papers. Then wrap the tin with a contrasting color.  Several wraps with twine and a bow finish the gift!

I have an abundance supply of shredded paper to make my handmade papers!!!  You may one day get a gift from me wrapped in my recycled papers!

Start your paper making adventure!!! Go to Arnold Grummer's website and use the discount code SPRING20 for 20% off an order.


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