Handmade Paper Gift Card Holder

I am half way through my six month commitment with the Arnold Grummer Design Team and I'm loving every minute of it. The products are awesome, the folks at Arnold Grummer are super nice and supportive, and working in a design team has really helped me grow as a creative person. I hope when Arnold Grummer's Papermaking Kits & Supplies are ready to do their next design team call, some of you will consider submitting an application. 

Here are the materials you'll need to make a Handmade Paper Gift Card Holder:

  • 4 sheets of gorgeous 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 inch handmade paper
  • Template - I'm using a mitten, but a Christmas stocking, snowman, or Christmas tree would look great too!
  • Scissor
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Sharp sewing needle
  • Embroidery thread 
  • Gift card
Begin by tracing the template onto the paper of your choice.

Then cut out the pieces of your gift card holder.

Now place your mittens one on top of the other. I chose to use an awl to pre-punch the holes for sewing because handmade paper is very strong and my fingers weren't up to pushing that needle through two pieces of it. 
Use a whip stitch all the way around the outside of the mitten.

When you're finished sewing, you can glue the white collar of your mitten to the top of the mitten. Then punch a hole in the corner, lace some ribbon through it and insert your gift card! 
The gift card fits completely into the Handmade Paper Gift Card Holder, I kept it out a bit so you could see how it looks in the picture : )

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My goal is to take the whole world on a creative journey one project at a time, so I want to offer many thanks to all my readers in 54 different countries... 

The United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Malaysia, Italy, the Bahamas, the Philippines, Sweden, Egypt, Columbia, the Netherlands, Spain, the Sudan, Turkey, Mexico, Moldova, Denmark, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, the Czech Republic, the Ukraine, South Africa, India, Taiwan, Panama, Serbia, Latvia, Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 
New Zealand, Japan,Bangladesh, Brazil, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Chile, 
Romania, Hungary, Portugal, Indonesia, Guernsey, South Korea, Pakistan, Greece, 
Hong Kong and Israel!

Many Blessings,
Jana : )


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you! Comments like yours keep me going!

  3. So sweet. I would keep this mitten long after I had spent the gift card.

  4. like the idea and the info..i might need this when use these design for Gift Card envelopes.


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