Handmade Confetti stationery

Happy New Year 2019!
When I think of bringing in the New Year I think of party hats, streamers and of course confetti which inspired my confetti stationery.
 They are perfect for writing a letter to anyone celebrating a happy occasion or just for celebrating your friendship with them.

Using a hole punch I created some confetti from random scraps of handmade paper that were lying around in my stash which is my inspiration for this project.
 I love it when I am inspired by scraps; nothing goes to waste!

For my photo tutorial, I am using the 
Arnold Grummer Large Envelope template along with the Pour Handmold.
 The first step is creating your pulp and pouring it into the mold that holds the template.

Once I pulled the mold out of the water and removed the deckle I set it on a dedicated for papermaking baking tray so that the excess water that drains off the wet sheet will not make a mess and run over the table. This is important as I wanted my paper to remain wet for the next step.

So before I begin to sponge the excess water out of the paper I sprinkled it with confetti that I made along the flap of the envelope. The confetti immediately begins to soak into the watery paper.

While it is still sitting in the tray I cover it with the screen and I begin to remove the excess water with a sponge which bonds the dry confetti to the wet paper. 

 This method worked out very well and the confetti stayed secure after drying.

And here are the papers before being folded and assembled.
 and assembled:

And here is an Irish New Years toast for you:
  • "May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand."
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