Fall Leaves

© Michele Emerson-Robert 2016

Leaves are turning to all the glorious colors of yellow, orange, rust and reds! There are no two alike, and they are all beautiful! Perfect time to get out those scraps of handmade paper that I am always telling you to save, along with some of the half sheets of handmade paper that were left from other projects, and start creating the many fall and Thanksgiving cards that I send out. I send about 50 cards a month – I’d better get busy! Even though I am using “planned overs” (not left overs), I included the full directions for making the paper.



1.     Follow the instructions found in any of the Arnold Grummer™ paper making kits to create off-white, tan, olive green and rust slurry, and create one or more sheets of med weight handmade paper. 
2.     Allow the papers to dry.
3.     Tear the sheets of tan or off white paper in half.
4.     Score and fold to create 4 ¼ x 5 ½” top or side fold cards.
5.     Die cut leaves, ferns and words from various scraps or sheets of different colored handmade paper.
6.     Emboss the leaves to bring out the textures.
7.     Apply Chalk inks to the leaves, acorns and ferns with the Stylus™ handle and tips.
8.     Attach the ferns with tiny pieces of foam tape to the side fold card.
9.     Attach the word “Autumn” to the bottom on the fern card.
10.  Layer and attach the leaves and acorns to the top fold card with tiny pieces of foam tape.
11.  Layer and attach with adhesive the word “Fall” onto one of the leaves.


  1. These are just beautiful! The leaves are perfect!

  2. Thanks Jean! Fall is my favorite time of year.....I love all the colors.
    Love and light,


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