The Pollinators: Birds & Dragonflies

April is the month that we celebrate “Earth Day”. I have always wondered why everyday isn’t “Earth Day”.
I think this is the perfect time to use two of the great Woodwear™ clear collage stamps. After much thought, I decided to not color anything. I love the simplicity of the black and ivory images.


Any of the Arnold Grummer® paper making kits & paper press
Blender, cello sponges and soft towels
A sunny window
Scraps of white paper (think junk mail, etc.) 
Woodware™ stamps:FRs736 “Birds” & FRS737 “Dragonflies”
Double sided foam
ColorBox™ Archival black ink pad
2 Black Matt boards: 5 x 7”


1. Follow the instructions found in any of the Arnold Grummer™ paper making kits to 
        create white slurry and create one or more sheets of white medium/heavy weight handmade
2. Allow the paper to dry.
3. When the paper is dry, iron it to create a smoother surface.
4. Rough tear the paper to create 2 pieces appox.4 x 7”.
5. Generously ink the dragonflies stamp and stamp the collage onto one of the pieces of 
        handmade paper.
6. Repeat this step with the bird stamp.
7. When the ink is dry, attach the stamped images to the black matt boards with small pieces of
8. Place each collage on a small easel to display.


TAGS: Arnold Grummer, Michele Emerson-Roberts, handmade paper, collage, Earth Day, Woodwear stamps, ColorBox


  1. Beautiful, Michele! I agree...really lovely in the black ink alone!

  2. Thanks Nancy.....I really do like the great just let's the handmade paper show so well. Of course anything on handmade paper looks!


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