Paper Cast Leaves

© Michele Emerson-Robert 2016

Did you know that almost anything that is convex can be used as a casting mold? The leaf castings on the two fall cards are a perfect example. One is cast from a Jello mold, and the other is cast from a drink coaster! They are both beautiful! Look around your home and see what objects you might have to use as casting molds.


·       Any of the Arnold Grummer® paper making kits
·       Blender, strainer, cello sponges and soft towels
·       A sunny window
·       Scraps of white paper (think junk mail, etc.)
·       Scraps of white heavy weight handmade paper to die cut
·       The PaperCut™ various colored cardstock for card bases, envelopes
·       Die: Quiet Fire Designs™ ECD 1199 Four Seasons
·       Tonic Studios™ Tangerine die cutting and embossing machine
·       Random pattern embossing folder
·       Scor-Pal™
·       Beacon ZipDryTM adhesive, double sided foam tape
·       ColorBox® Stylus handle & tips, dye based inks pads in olives, rust, browns, golden colors


1.     Follow the instructions found in any of the Arnold Grummer™ paper making kits to create white slurry and cast one or more of each of the leaves. 
2.     Allow the casting to dry.
3.     Use the Stylus handle and tip to lightly apply the various ink colors to the leaves. (See photo for placement.)
4.     Apply more ink toward the center of the leaves as shading.  
5.     Apply some ink around the edge of one of the castings.
6.     Die cut the word “Autumn” for each card from the scrap of heavy weight handmade paper.
7.     Cut, score and fold various cardstock to create4 ¼ x 5 ½” cards.
8.     Emboss the card fronts with the random pattern embossing folder.
9.     Attach the leaf castings to the card fronts with double sided foam tape.
10.  Attach the word above the paper casting with the adhesive.
11.   Mail in a padded envelope, or hand deliver.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jean for your kind words. There are hundreds of things that can be used for paper casting....just have to open our eyes.
      Love and light,

  2. These are beautiful, you make wonderful fun cards!!

    1. Thanks Donna.......I LOVE paper casting.....who
      Love and light,


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