Dragonfly Dreams

©Michele Emerson-Roberts 2014

I love dragonflies. They are one of the most beautiful of insects. They predate the dinosaurs with fossils showing wing spans of over 2 ½ feet, and today there are approximately 450 species in the US alone. In mythology the dragonfly symbolizes lost loved ones and rebirth.  


·        Any of the Arnold Grummer paper making kits
·        Mold:  Arnold Grummer Dragonfly, # 703
·        Microwave, heat gun or a sunny window
·        Blender, small strainer, cello sponges and soft towels
·        Beacon Quick Grab™ and ZipDry™ Adhesives, double sided foam tape or dots
·        Scraps of off white and yellow paper (think colored junk mail, etc.)
·        Dried flower petals and/or spices
·        Several twigs and dried Eucalyptus leaves
·        8 ½ x 11” Easel Frame
·        Rust Brown suede matt board, cut to fit frame
·        Gold PearlX™ powder, small brush
Arnold Grummer


1.      Follow the direction for paper making and casting found in any of the Arnold Grummer paper making kits or books to make slurry from the off white scraps.
2.      Cast one (or more) of the dragonfly molds.
3.      Dry the castings in the microwave, with the heat tool, or place in a sunny window.
4.      Create two sheets of yellow handmade paper, and one sheet of off white paper – add a small amount of tiny dried flower petals or spices to both slurries.
5.      Allow the papers to dry.
6.      Fold and tear the yellow paper to create a piece approx. 6 x 8 ½” and a piece 4 x 4”.
7.      Fold and tear the off white paper to create a 5 ½ x 7 ½” paper.
8.      Layer and attach the dragonfly casting to the 4 x 4” yellow paper with the double sided foam tape.
9.      Attach the twigs and the leaves to the off white sheet of paper with Beacon QuickGrab™ adhesive.
10.   Layer and attach the 4 x 4” yellow paper to the 6 x 8 ½” off white paper with Beacon ZipDry™ adhesive.
11.   Layer and attach the off white sheet of paper to the 6 x 8 ½” sheet of yellow paper.
12.   Insert the rust brown sued matt board into the slot of the easel frame.
13.   Attach the layers to the matt board.
14.   Highlight the dragonfly casting with the brush and gold PearlX™ powder.

(Reminder - save all your scraps for other projects)

I have created many of these castings and given them as remembrance gifts to people who have lost someone they loved. The castings are beautiful in different colors and mounted to the tops of boxes, the front of cards or handmade journals or framed.


  1. Michele - love this! The leaves, colors and twig are a perfect setting for the dragonfly. Does Pearl-ex brush easily onto the cast? Will it rub off against the envelope? I'm never sure about that, or if there's a fixative to use before or after applying it. Thanks for creating this lovely project!


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