Halloween Treat Box by Linda Hess
Fall is upon us: the leaves outside are changing, the air is getting a bit cooler, sweaters have come out of hiding, and YES Halloween is only a month away! With 2 children in college, I still send Halloween treats (yes, I am THAT kind of mom). I am also the kind of mom spinning in my tracks, so to get treats out on time I need to think ahead :-) With that in mind, I looked through my cabinets for something that could easily be sent through the mail without destruction. I found a metal Hershey box and decided that it would be perfect to recycle. First thing was to create some Halloween orange paper using my Arnold Grummer's Papermill Pro kit. I mixed a handful of shredded paper with a few squirts of Pinata Ink (Calabaza Orange #JFC1005) and some Creatology Orange glitter (can be found at Michaels's stores) plus 2 cups of water...WHIRRRRRRRR. Following the directions I poured the mixture into the frame and pressed out most of the water. I w...