Arnold Grummer's has the good fortune to showcase creative, original work by nationally known designers and artists.
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Today I am excited to share with you just how simple it is to create a watermark in your handmade paper. I have to admit, I haven't made paper in a while and I needed a fun project to jumpstart me back in action. Nothing inspires me more than watching the man himself, Arnold Grummer demonstrate how it's done by watching his video s . You can also get his book Trash to Treasure with great photos and clear instructions! He has a way of making everything look so easy so I thought I'd give it a whirl. WOW! I am hooked on this decorative technique! InstaGram Begin by assembling your materials for basic papermaking: torn paper water plus a blender plastic tub papermaking screen, screen support grid, cover screen Pour or Dip handmold - (I'll be using the large pour Handmold ) 2-Up or Deckle Divider Large Template plastic letters A2 Envelope Large Template (Watch this video for how to make a basic s...
Do you like to read about other handmade paper artisans? Recently I read an article from the Monte Crisco Magazine on Master Papermaker Francesco Proietti and one line really caught my attention. "Finally, a rounded stone “polishes” the paper until it is flat and smooth." Now I'm all about learning things the old fashioned way albeit I might not prefer to do it all the time, I do like my modern ways too, just saying. However I enjoy a respite from the modern world every now and then and this technique just called to me to try. So I got out from my stash a sheet of one of my "perfectly imperfect" hand made papers that I created using the medium Dip Handmold . I wanted a rough sheet of paper to see if this would actually work. I planned on doing a bit of stamping on it so I drew out a grid that I intended to polish. I'm glad I chose a small space because it is a little labor intensive although not difficult. By rubbing the stone over the pap...
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