I Could Write a Book

. . . and I have!
A whole book out of handmade paper.
Here is my illustrated version of the children's song "This Old Man."
I have always loved that song. That little "knick-knack-paddy-whack"  captures my imagination. What exactly does it sound like and what makes that sound?  In my version "knick-knack paddy whack" has a very definite sound.
This old man, he played four
He played knick-knack out my door
And who is this old man anyway? I made him a not-so-old old muscian.

If you have seen my cards, you know I love to make pictures that tell stories. So even this little rhyme tells a story of the day a girl, her mom and their pup are visited by an old friend, who makes music all over the place, and then rolls home.

He played knick-knack on my hive!

It was great fun to make this book and to make the paper for the illustrations --from the beige band-aide, to the yellow dandilions. I am already humming a tune and collecting paper for my next book.

Please enjoy this preview, and yes, it is for sale!

This Old Man by Illustrated by Susan Carton | Make Your Own Book

This is my final post for Arnold Grummer. It has been great fun to share my love of paper making and to see all the beautiful work the Design Team members have made.

Please visit me at pulppaperscissors.blogger.com



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