Start the New Year Off Right

It's hard to believe another year has gone by and that this will be my last post for 2013.  I know many have been through difficult times this year, my family included, so I'm glad in a way to see this year end, but just because it's ending doesn't mean there's not fun in store for 2014.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the upcoming fun will be.

The start of a new year is the time for resolutions.  Make one of your resolutions be to start a new hobby such as making your own handmade paper.  It's a great way to have fun and create some wonderful handmade items including all of the gifts you will need next year.  You know you'll need one sooner than you want to think about it so now is the time to get started!

This New Year's banner was created using handmade paper.  The "bow" started out to be three bells, but when I dried the paper using an iron I had laid them on top of each other and suddenly my eyes saw a bow and that's how this project took shape.  I used the basic instructions to make the pulp and then poured it into a metal bell shaped cookie cutter and finished it off according to the instructions.  I, also, made a sheet of paper for the bottom using one of the papermaking kits.  I added some metallics and sparkles to the paper pulp since ringing in the new year should have a certain amount of sparkle to it.  See how fun it was and 2014 hasn't even started yet.

Join us as we send off the old year and ring in the new by heading over to the website and get your hobby started.  Be sure to use the coupon code Dec20 on your entire order through the end of the month.  There's still time so hurry!

Happy New Year Everyone! 


  1. I thought it was an angel... Now i see the bells and the bow. Very cool

  2. At first I thought it was an angel also... as you pointed out I see the bow! I am excited to try paper making!

  3. Beautifully written post and a beautiful project. Hope the New Year brings you all good things, Peg!


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