Design Team Call

Arnold Grummer is looking for a few awesome Mixed Media Artists to showcase Arnold Grummer's papermaking kits for any type of paper enthusiast, from artists, craters, and diy-ers, to teachers, scouts and other looking for creative projects!! If you LOVE paper crafts and find the idea of making your own papers to use on layouts, cards & projects inspiring, show us what you can do!!

We're looking for talented artists and designers who know how to inspire others to create. For those that also seek opportunities to have their papercraft work prominently featured, Arnold Grummer's Design Team is a great fit!

What’s expected of an Arnold Grummer Design Team Member?
* Ability to create compelling projects that showcase Arnold Grummer products
* Experience taking good photos or scans of projects including images for social media
* Active interaction with members of Arnold Grummer's facebook and blog as they discover YOUR WONDERFUL DESIGNS!!

What are the responsibilities of an Arnold Grummer Design Team Member?
* The Arnold Grummer Design Team is a 6-month hitch, from Jan 1, 2019 – June 30, 2019.
* Create a minimum of 2 layouts/projects per month. Post them on both your blog and Arnold Grummer’s blog on your assigned dates each month. Date assignments will be given when the team is picked.
* Participate on Arnold Grummer's Facebook - this is a MUST!
* Submit work for publication. Arnold Grummer's will share project submission opportunities with their editorial contacts.
* Take part in one Blog Hop during the 6 months.  Date to be announced.
* Promote Arnold Grummer! Post projects created during your six-month term on other online galleries and blogs. Include working links to Arnold Grummer's blog and to products used on Arnold Grummer's website.

What are the rewards of an Arnold Grummer Design Team member?
* Your bio, picture, and link(s) on Arnold Grummer's blog
* Promotion of your work and projects to Arnold Grummer's Newsletter, Facebook and Blog members, a growing international community.
* FREE product in ONE shipment:

Apply today! Here's how:
1) Send your bio, blog address and facebook info to with “DT applications” in the subject line (this way you don’t end up in Junk Mail – I get lots of spam) 

2)  Deadline: Must have bio to Terri Sproul by  Dec 1st  (
Step by step directions on how to make this project with links to Arnold Grummer’s blog and website. Your submission project can be anything you love to make ... Scrapbook, Cards, Mixed Media, Altered Art, Eco-Art…  just think outside the box and impress me…

3) Join our facebook and blog  - this is a MUST and is very important to the success of our team!

4) All entries MUST utilize handmade paper. If you can use paper you've made yourself - great! - but purchased handmade paper is certainly acceptable for Design Team applicants. Work submitted must be recent and can be previously published or displayed on blogs or online galleries.

What to include in your emailed submission –
* Send project(s) to view:  Step by step directions on how to make this project with links to Arnold Grummer’s blog and website. Your submission project can be anything you love to make ... Scrapbook, Cards, Mixed Media, Altered Art, Eco-Art…  just think outside the box and impress me… See #4 above
* We want to know all about you! Send in your bio
* Please describe your style (genre): Scrapbook, rubber stamp, mixed media, vintage, altered art, eco-art, urban, etc.
* Why would you like to be on the Arnold Grummer Design Team?
* Are you frugal, organized, have marketing ideas etc.. please share what strengths you can bring to our team.
* Include the link to your active blog
* Are you active on any Forums or Message Boards? (Please List)
* Give an example of a class or technique you would like to share with
others. If it is one you have done previously please describe or link to it.
* Please list any other manufactures or store/kit DT’s you've been on or are currently on. Do you
have a scrapbook resume or a link to a gallery,? Please share it with us.

Final decisions will be made the week of Feb 5th  Arnold Grummer’s
Design Team will be announced shortly thereafter!!

Good Luck!!!!!


  1. Well I'm going to be extremely honest here and say I don't know of Arnold Grimmer but after taking a look at the website why the heck can't we have an Arnold here in England !! Oh the wonderful things I could make if we did have an Arnold !! Good luck to those applying for the DT ... you lucky lucky people !

  2. Please excuse my auto-spell ....GRUMMER !!

  3. I missed. When is the next call.


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