Pink Paper

I am very honored to be a member of Arnold Grummer's Design team! Years ago, I got to know Arnold and his family on the Shop at Home set with Carol Duvall and have always loved his paper making kits.
Since it has been so long since I have made paper, I had to familiarize myself with the process again, but I was up and running in no time, making a huge mess in my kitchen and with a big smile on my face.
Paper Mill Pro
I thought I would make pink handmade ATC cards for my first project using Arnold's ATC mould that comes with the Paper Mill Pro. After pulling my first sheet, I realized that it was better to practice making a full sheet before working with the moulds because all but one of my little ATC cards were a little warped in shape most likely because I let the water out too fast. My suggestion would be to watch Arnold's videos BEFORE starting the paper making process. With that being said, I am still pretty happy with my first sheet of paper and ATC cards. I was able to trim the funny shaped cards and still use them so nothing was really wasted.

Before you start this project, have your supplies ready. Make sure to read the instructions in your paper making kit. I used the Paper Mill Pro and Angel Wing inclusions that were in the kit. Make sure you have a large basin that will fit your large mould and lot's of available water!

Here is how I made pink paper:
Tear up 2 sheets recycled paper and put them into a blender. I also used some packing paper and filled the blender about 3/4 full and then covered the paper in water to soak for 5 minutes.

Blend the paper for about 1 minute or less and stop when the chunks are very small. You don't want to over blend.

Add about 10 Red Angel Wing fibers (take out the seed first) and blend for about 10 seconds in short bursts.

Add several drops of magenta ink to the pulp and blend for a few seconds. Make the color a little deeper than you think it should be because the paper will dry somewhat lighter.

Make your sheet according to the instructions in the paper making kit.

Let your paper dry according to directions. I am lucky enough to own an Arnold Grummer Standard Paper Press and was able to press them very flat and because I used a lot of pressure, there was no need to size the sheet! If you don't have a press, don't worry, you can press your paper under a stack of books until dry. 

Next week I will post a project using the pink paper I just made. Stay tuned….

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